ஞாயிறு, 12 மே, 2013

In or Out

“I only sing in the shower. I would join a choir, but I don’t think my bathtub can hold that many people.” I heard this said by someone and was on lookout for that weird guy. Weirdness brings creative energy to life. It makes us perceive ordinary things of life with greater fervor and zeal.  

It was always that weirdness and frenzy thoughts that attracts me. It’s fun to be crazy and mad. It’s funky to know that we go nuts at time. The art of living is in hiding this inner turbulence at the deeper level and appears to be serene at the surface. Is it some sort of psychic behavior, I used to think. Yes, it is. Everyone is psychic at different grades but the beauty of life lies in balancing the inner turbulence and the outer serenity. 
We pretend to be strong, when we feel really vulnerable.
We control our ambience, when we are utterly uncontrolled within.
We smile and smile and smile when depressed to the core.
We advice when we are not able to follow it ourselves.
We are angered when we are helpless.
The art of living is the amalgamation of these two weird worlds within us.
Can we stop being mad? That’s not what life’s all about. Life is about internal and external. Can we stop imagining anything that has no internal or external or both?
If life is all madness, it is not livable. If it is full of surface stuff that we have, then it is not worth living. It’s a crap. What if a book is full of cover pages with no content inside? Though attractive for some time, you start losing interest because there is nothing you gain out of it. It’s full of fancy useless attractive stuff. You can’t tell a book by its cover and you can’t sell a book without its cover. We need both exterior and interior.
We are all weird in every sense and we constantly look out for weirdness that can sync with ours. Some people are compatible with each others’ weirdness and they call it love, commitment, Friendship, Purpose, Will to live, etc. Our weirdness satisfies the others and theirs us.
When people lack this weirdness, they lack living to the fullest. There are some who overflow with this weirdness and the whole world recognizes them as “Genius”. Many a times, we feel disturbed by the weirdness of others but we fail to recognize that we are attracted by their ability to be weird.  
Dare to be Different! Be Weird and that’s the essence of living! Don’t fit into boxes. Live out of the box. Grow off the Fence! Extend beyond the barriers!
“Stay mad, but behave like normal people. Run the risk of being different, but learn to do so without attracting attention.”