வியாழன், 2 மே, 2019

plan your vacation 2

There is a Universal Law:
“Children walk to school but run back home”
The above line speaks a world of meaning on its own.
Though Children like holidays during regular working days, they very much miss the ambience of the school, the company of good friends and the absence of their loving teachers, during the six week long holidays called SUMMER.
The six week summer holiday period is a long time out of school and whilst children have somewhat earned their break, it’s also vital that their bodies and minds remain active during this season of idleness.
Though summer is a long time yet many children and Parents as well, don’t really know how to organize their free time. Most of us, as elders, are busy with our routines and not really care about the children and their free time. This period of inactivity can result in a loss of momentum that children have built up during the school year, both on a physical & mental level.
Gone are the days where almost every child on the street are seen running riot in the local parks or on the streets during the holiday period, instead, the new breed of technology driven child prefers to remain idle and isolated in their couch or rooms, glued themselves to the screen, small or big.  For most of the children, it is in fact during school where they get most of their physical exercise whether that is during break time or PET lessons.
However it is the summer that is without doubt the ideal time of the year to be enjoying some active fun outdoors.
Don Bosco rightly used to say,
“An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”.
That’s the reason schools have charted time tables and kept the mind and body active and away from the Devil.

During summer, it’s the responsibility of Parents to balance the time between learning an activity and having fun for themselves or they could combine both together.
Children, left free to themselves, can become excessive sleepers, excessive eaters, excessive users of social media and screen time and thus become slaves of digital media.

Physical activity is proven to benefit children beyond the playground and into the classroom; increased concentration levels, better behaviour and higher grades.

Happy Summer! Happy come back!

Plan your vacation1

                                      "If Monday had a face, I would punch it”
that’s the expression of a little boy coming into school campus when the school reopens after weekends. I was sweetly puzzled and rather taken aback by the hard and honest fact of youngsters about the work. They all look for a short or longer vacation.
As I write this message to you, we are already at the close of the current academic year and entering into a six week long vacation. Don Bosco used to say that holiday is nothing but a change of occupation or ambience or atmosphere. For us, the learning never stops. Though we may end the academic year yet our learning never stops but it continues in a new atmosphere, what we call vacation.
As parents, you might think of different camps for your kids to continue the learning from school. In continuation of this thought, I would like to bring to your attention what Japan has planned this year for their school kids. I’m quoting the article from Telegraph for your perusal:
More than 500,000 Japanese children between the ages of 12 and 18 are believed to be addicted to the internet, the ministry of education here says.
"We want to get them out of the virtual world and to encourage them to have real communication with other children and adults,"
The ministry is proposing to hold "Internet fasting" camps at outdoor learning centres and other public facilities where children will have no access to the Internet.

The youngsters will be encouraged to take part in outdoor activities, team sports and games, with psychiatrists and clinical psychotherapists on hand to provide counseling.

 When I read this article, I felt as though I was reading some science fiction. But its happening right now in this world where children got caught in the web of technological advancement. They get glued to the screens of Digital gadgets. As parents and educators, its our prerogative to put our children through the Digital Detox process. (We are not very far from Japan)
How can we go about doing this?

Screen Time.
That’s the solution. Screen time is the time you spend watching TV or DVDs, using computers, playing video or hand-held computer games, or using tablets or smartphones.

Screen time can be:
  • interactive – for example, playing video games, communicating via Skype, or using online tools to draw pictures
  • not interactive – for example, sitting still and watching movies, TV programs or YouTube videos
  • educational – for example, doing maths homework online
  • recreational – for example, playing games or watching videos for fun.
(Unfortunately non interactive and recreational takes the majority)

Looking at a screen intensely can cause sore, irritated and dry eyes, headaches, fatigue, make your child’s neck and spine uncomfortable. Being inactive for long periods using a screen can lead to a less active lifestyle, which could lead to obesity.

Too much screen time can have an impact on children’s language development, social skills, ability to have conversations, maintain eye contact, pay attention in school or read body language.

Children can copy or be influenced by negative behavior (PUBG, MOMO, BLUE WHALE), stereotypical representations of gender, violent imagery or coarse language they see in advertising and other media.

Child development experts recommend limiting children’s daily screen time for your child’s wellbeing, learning and development.

As Parents, children should have consistent limits on the time they spend on electronic media and the types of media they use.

2.      Screen time limits are about making sure your child enjoys lots of healthy, fun activities – both with and without screens.

3.      Limits mean looking at the time your child spends on screens and making sure it doesn’t get in the way of sleep and activities that are good for her development.

4.      Developmental activities include things like physical play, reading, creative play like drawing, and social time with family and friends.

Whatever is beautiful
Whatever is meaningful
Whatever brings you happiness
May it be yours this holiday season and
throughout the coming year.