சனி, 4 ஜனவரி, 2020

Fear of exams and joy of holidays

With our,
1  Heart
2  Eyes
5 Litre blood
206 Bones
1.2 million Red Cells
60 trillion DNAs

What we find most fearsome is the month of April. The reason is very obvious because of EXAMS. April is the month of Exams, a month which is detested mostly because of the tension it creates before the exam and the fear that is created after the exam until the results come. Needless to say, month of May is the most wanted and often desired month because of the Holidays.
What is the purpose of exams?
Its aim is not to find out what we don’t know but on the contrary to bring out what we learned after a year long preparation.
What is the purpose of Holidays?
It's said that holidays are for rest and recuperation, but they can also mean boredom and isolation.
Holidays are not meant for us to become couch potatoes right in front of TVs and Video games. Holidays serve as reminders of the purpose of life. Utilize some of the time reflecting on such questions as, "Why am I here?" “Am I doing the right thing?” "How much have I accomplished for the purpose of being here?"
These questions do not have an easy answer. It can take a lifetime to figure it out. We tend to run away from such questions because they make us uncomfortable, even depressed. That’s the reason we vile away our time in unnecessary, non productive activitites.
Don Bosco would say wisely, Holidays are not change of occupation but change of atmosphere, which implies that learning should continue to happen even after schooling. Don Bosco strongly believed that education has no walls. That’s his philosophy of life. Make them RUN JUMP and PLAY so that they don’t have time to indulge in the act of sin or engage themselves with the occasions to sin.

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