சனி, 4 ஜனவரி, 2020


No parking in front of TV
As I was interacting with the children from a renowned school in the city, I asked them a usual question “which is your most favourite period in a week?” To my surprise, any school, any children would give the same answer that P.T. classes are the best.
Have you ever wondered why? Because I know play is the magical moment in their lives.  
I love watching children play especially when they invent their own imaginative mystical and creative games. They're so excited, energetic and engaged as they build their muscles along with their imagination and confidence. And it's so much more enjoyable for children than parking them in front of the TV.
In my mission with the young children who are abandoned and are deprived of their childhood, I've watched always hundreds of children learn new skills of life and enjoy the pure act of physical play.
The Philosophy of Physique is A sound mind in a sound body. Does that phrase sound familiar?
Yes, of course. If the body is healthy, the mind is healthy too. No wonder the greatest Tamil Philosopher and altruist Vallalar makes his famous statement as follows:
clk;ig tsHj;Njd; capH tsHj;NjNd!
Which means by nurturing my body, I nurture my spirit.
Every aspect of human development is possible only through physical development. That’s the reason, Don Bosco in his pedagogy of teaching, emphasized Run, Jump and Play as essential part of his educational system.
Children will develop and learn about co-ordination, balance, spatial relationship, fine-motor skills and improve muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition.
Through physical activity, children try new things, conquer their fears and build their confidence. It's been proven that when a child is physically active and successful in their movements, they show higher levels of self-esteem.
But today, we have a crisis and we are running out of time. Our schools and educational system run in deficit not financially but in unstructured play and outdoor activities.
Stats are revealing the painful reality that on average, children are spending 7.5 hours in front of media devices everyday. 
Children will not learn relational skills.
Children will not learn to solve problems.
Children will not know how to manage emotions.
Our children are playing less than any other generation.
It doesn't matter if they win or lose – it's about staying together and playing together.
Let’s make our children play and let’s preserve their identity. 

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